Through generous donations, we have been able to enhance our sunday offerings for families to not only include Children's Liturgy of the Word but also a weekend missal that will help families "pray the Mass" This booklet will replace the weekly children's bulletin that was offered during weekend Mass last year.
How it works - Every Sunday there will be copies available as you enter the church and prepare for Mass.
if your child is in faith formation or sacramental prep at POP, they will get their copy during class each week.
Then bring it home and reflect on the readings, go through the prayers and help your child unpack they mystery of Christ and his Chruch (Mystagogy in church langauage)
MagnifiKid is for children between the ages of 6 and 12.
Subscribers receive the issues on a monthly basis. In each month's packet, children will find a booklet of sixteen color pages for each Sunday, and also special issues for the major feast days (Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Ascension, Assumption, All Saints Day).